TCG Trading Card Game: FLESH AND BLOOD Details
What is Flesh and Blood:
Flesh and Blood TCG is a New Zealand born trading card game that has taken the world by storm and has topped charts globally since it's birth in Epsom NZ, 2019.
How it works:
FLESH&BLOOD also has it's own online, in-game profile system so if you do not have one already - please register here to create a gamer profile (you can use this when signing up to play at the event - make sure you sign up before Saturday 17th December):
You will receive a starter pack of cards you can use! *Sponsored by ShadowRealmTCG*
Registration on Eventbrite
$10 Entry
10am start - 5.30pm end.
6.00pm Prize Givings - Stage
3rd Place Half Box Pack of Boosters (12)
2nd Place Half Box Pack of Boosters (12)
1st Place Box of Boosters (24)
Registration on Eventbrite
$10 Entry
10am start - 5.30pm end.
6.00pm Prize Givings - Stage
3rd Place Half Box Pack of Boosters (12)
2nd Place Half Box Pack of Boosters (12)
1st Place Box of Boosters (24)